Suicide Squad – A Filmmaking Crime

suicide-squad-empire-photos-picI was a comic book geek growing up. My mother literally hand stitched a Spiderman costume for me when I was 7. It was pretty impressive. My comic book heroes weren’t on the big screen often. With the exception of Christopher Reeves in Superman(1978), it wasn’t an investment Hollywood was willing to make. I believe they knew they couldn’t do the characters justice at the time. There were many failed attempts on TV, but the big screen was NOT a trend.

In the 90’s, the Batman series started to trend after the success of the blockbuster film starring Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton. It was exciting! Keaton ReevesHowever, much like the 70’s and 80’s Superman series, showing powerful character arcs was not a priority. It was enough to put these characters on screen and make them believable. The films might have had an impressive cast and decent plot lines, but they lacked good character arcs. A character arc, or transformation, or inner journey is a description of what happens to the inside of a character over the course of the story.

However today, it is literally a filmmaking crime to make a comic book movie or TV series without writing powerful character arcs. Fans refuse to let film companies cheat anymore. Part of the failure of movies like Catwoman, Daredevil, Green Lantern and the recent 2015 Fantastic Four film is that the story was rushed and/or the character arcs were lacking substance. Take a peek at the latest Suicide Squad trailer! The use of Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ is sheer genius!

Suicide Squad looks as if much attention was given to the actual story, where the characters are in their arcs and how the heck they got there. That’s the payoff we fans are looking for. We demand quality storytelling and we’ll publicly stone you for anything less than a great story.